Friday, May 23, 2008

Combining PowerBuilder Help Files

Combining PowerBuilder Help Files

Wouldn't it be nice if all of the help files were combined so you
could hit Shift-F1 on a PB, PFC, or Corporate Extension function and
have it automatically come up?

Well now you can! Just do the following:

* Open pbhlpxx.cnt in Notepad (or any other text editor) and add
the following lines immediately after :Title PowerBuilder Help (the
second line):
:Index PFC Help=pbpfcxx.hlp
:Index Corporate Extension Help=CorpExtn.hlp
:Link pbpfcxx.hlp
:Link CorpExtn.hlp
:Include pbpfcxx.cnt
:Include CorpExtn.cnt
* Save and close the file
* Make sure all of the *.hlp files you have included reside in the
Help folder of your PowerBuilder installation

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